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About Us® is a membership web site that exists to help its users find, locate and attend government auctions and foreclosures of every type so that they can achieve every success buying things they would ordinarily pay retail prices for, but that, through government auctions and bank foreclosures, they can buy at a significant discount.® is a division of Cyweb Holdings Inc., a closely held corporation headquartered in New York, U.S.A.

Cyweb Holdings is a company that, through it's divisions and holdings, provides high quality web-based information services to the public. Its CEO is a former United States Government employee, who holds a law degree, and who, prior to his work for the Federal Government, was involved in various business and civic endeavors for which he has received national and international recognition. The company consists of personnel and management who, combined, have extensive experience in business, government, law, software and technology, and who have committed themselves to use their backgrounds and knowledge to create, sustain, and invest in, superior information products in both, the narrow and broad markets.