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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
(1)-new- newair - 24 built-in dual zone 20 bottle and 70 can wine and beverage fridge with splitshe Ends 1/1/2025  
(1)- creality cr-10 max 3d printer Ends 1/1/2025  
(1)- creality cr-10 max 3d printer (for parts or repair) Ends 12/27/2024  
newair 24 built-in premium 224 can beverage fridge Ends 12/27/2024  
(1)- new- insignia - 10.2 cu. ft. garage-ready chest freezer - white Ends 12/27/2024  
bk medical type 8567-s 8 mhz mfi convex array endocavity probe Ends 1/3/2025  
eaton 9355 powerware ups uninterruptible power supply 9355-30 options cabinet Ends 1/3/2025  
perkin elmer lambda 3b uv vis spectrophotometer Ends 12/27/2024  
gyrus acmi berkeley vc-10 vacuum curettage system medical suction device Ends 12/27/2024  
lot of 76 office desk phones ( unify siemens optipoint) Ends 12/27/2024  
(1)- brightsign hs124 lcd display Ends 12/27/2024  
thermo scientific neslab thermoflex 1400 recirculating chiller Ends 12/27/2024  
(1)- new- insignia 50- pint dehumidifier Ends 1/1/2025  
(2)new- arctic wind through the wall air conditioner supplemental heat Ends 1/1/2025  
natus led phototherapy light Ends 12/27/2024  
hp q3716a laserjet printer Ends 12/27/2024  
canon imagerunner 1730if printer Ends 1/3/2025  
(1)- new apc smart-ups uninterruptible power supply su2200r3x167 Ends 12/27/2024  
savant aes1000 automatic environmental speedvac with vapornet Ends 1/3/2025  
(1 120 total)- new- lenovo folio case and film for tab m8 Ends 12/27/2024  
(1)- drager model 82vha infant warmer Ends 12/27/2024  
(12)-panasonic toughpad fz-g1 i5-4310u 2.00ghz8gb256gb ssd no os no hdd Ends 12/27/2024  
st. jude medical tactisys quartz ablation system pn-004300 Ends 12/27/2024  
ritter 104 examination table Ends 12/27/2024  
insignia ns-cf26bk9 2.6 cu ft compact refrigerator black & white lot of 4 Ends 12/27/2024  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  (1)-new- newair - 24 built-in dual zone 20 bottle and 70 can wine and beverage fridge with splitshe Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/1/2025 
Details  (1)- creality cr-10 max 3d printer Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/1/2025 
Details  (1)- creality cr-10 max 3d printer (for parts or repair) Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  newair 24 built-in premium 224 can beverage fridge Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (1)- new- insignia - 10.2 cu. ft. garage-ready chest freezer - white Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  bk medical type 8567-s 8 mhz mfi convex array endocavity probe Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/3/2025 
Details  eaton 9355 powerware ups uninterruptible power supply 9355-30 options cabinet Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/3/2025 
Details  perkin elmer lambda 3b uv vis spectrophotometer Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  gyrus acmi berkeley vc-10 vacuum curettage system medical suction device Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  lot of 76 office desk phones ( unify siemens optipoint) Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (1)- brightsign hs124 lcd display Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  thermo scientific neslab thermoflex 1400 recirculating chiller Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (1)- new- insignia 50- pint dehumidifier Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/1/2025 
Details  (2)new- arctic wind through the wall air conditioner supplemental heat Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/1/2025 
Details  natus led phototherapy light Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  hp q3716a laserjet printer Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  canon imagerunner 1730if printer Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/3/2025 
Details  (1)- new apc smart-ups uninterruptible power supply su2200r3x167 Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  savant aes1000 automatic environmental speedvac with vapornet Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/3/2025 
Details  (1 120 total)- new- lenovo folio case and film for tab m8 Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (1)- drager model 82vha infant warmer Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (12)-panasonic toughpad fz-g1 i5-4310u 2.00ghz8gb256gb ssd no os no hdd Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  st. jude medical tactisys quartz ablation system pn-004300 Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  ritter 104 examination table Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  insignia ns-cf26bk9 2.6 cu ft compact refrigerator black & white lot of 4 Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024