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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by Date
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
shower curtains Ends 1/14/2025  
twin and queen sized vinyl protective bed covers Ends 1/14/2025  
brand new brooking technologies sl157 scene compartment led light - can ship!! Ends 1/18/2025  
lime green hammer with a light brown bottom grip Ends 1/21/2025  
milwaukee general purpose blades (48-22-1950) Ends 1/21/2025  
yellow crimper tool (30-433) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
condrive set (socket pb2 bit pb3 bit) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
boat Ends 1/18/2025  
11- hp eliteones Ends 1/20/2025  
1 metal briefcase Ends 1/14/2025  
two 36(l) x 12(w) x 72(h) white shelf racks dh Ends 1/21/2025  
dayton grinder Ends 1/20/2025  
generic standard-depth server rack cabinet rack Ends 1/21/2025  
1 lot oil field equipment (d3-p2 gudde) Ends 1/21/2025  
5 piece agilent 1200 1260 infinity 1260 infinity ii series hplc system Ends 1/24/2025  
marpet enterprises 1204 wire bender Ends 1/15/2025  
agilent 6890n gas chromatograph Ends 1/24/2025  
perkin elmer spectrum one ft-ir spectrometer universal art sampling accessory Ends 1/24/2025  
mahogany red conference table (no leg stands) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
perkin elmer gas chromatograph Ends 1/24/2025  
edwards 12 vacuum pump Ends 1/18/2025  
shimadzu gas chromatograph w autosampler parts Ends 1/24/2025  
51 x 33 1 2 black smart tv dh Ends 1/21/2025  
black & orange amartisan multi-bit screwdriver set tool dh Ends 1/18/2025  
agilent 5973 network mass selective detector Ends 1/24/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  shower curtains Montross, VA Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  twin and queen sized vinyl protective bed covers Montross, VA Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  brand new brooking technologies sl157 scene compartment led light - can ship!! Winston, GA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  lime green hammer with a light brown bottom grip Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  milwaukee general purpose blades (48-22-1950) Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  yellow crimper tool (30-433) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  condrive set (socket pb2 bit pb3 bit) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  boat Avon, KS Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  11- hp eliteones Belcamp, MD Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  1 metal briefcase Elyria, OH Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  two 36(l) x 12(w) x 72(h) white shelf racks dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  dayton grinder Belcamp, MD Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  generic standard-depth server rack cabinet rack Tucker, GA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  1 lot oil field equipment (d3-p2 gudde) Thayer, KS Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  5 piece agilent 1200 1260 infinity 1260 infinity ii series hplc system New Castle, DE Online Ends 1/24/2025 
Details  marpet enterprises 1204 wire bender Boulder, CO Online Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  agilent 6890n gas chromatograph New Castle, DE Online Ends 1/24/2025 
Details  perkin elmer spectrum one ft-ir spectrometer universal art sampling accessory New Castle, DE Online Ends 1/24/2025 
Details  mahogany red conference table (no leg stands) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  perkin elmer gas chromatograph New Castle, DE Online Ends 1/24/2025 
Details  edwards 12 vacuum pump Boulder, CO Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  shimadzu gas chromatograph w autosampler parts New Castle, DE Online Ends 1/24/2025 
Details  51 x 33 1 2 black smart tv dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  black & orange amartisan multi-bit screwdriver set tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  agilent 5973 network mass selective detector New Castle, DE Online Ends 1/24/2025