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Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
18 1 2 inch stainless steel redskins spatula (with a brown wood padding) dh Ends 1/22/2025  
gray thermos w black top c Ends 1/22/2025  
green & black wera ratchet set screwdriver dh Ends 1/21/2025  
48(l) x 30(w) x 26(h) dark brown computer desk with a tan brown leg stand Ends 1/21/2025  
red nicholson carbon cut file tool dh Ends 1/18/2025  
60(l) x 20(w) x 28(h) dark brown hardwood table with black leg stands dh Ends 1/21/2025  
72(l) x 35(w) x 28(h) brown four drawer hardwood desk (no key lock included) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
35(l) x 18(w) x 66(h) tan four shelf rack Ends 1/21/2025  
37(l) x 31 1 2(w) x 53(h) vulcan gray metal stove (outlet plugs are not attached) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
dewalt 20v max drill Ends 1/20/2025  
purple sitting chair Ends 1/20/2025  
10 inch (in length) black metal sprinkler wrench dh Ends 1/18/2025  
7 inch silver stainless steel vipertek flashlight (batteries are included) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
9 inch (in length) red & black milwaukee 14 in 1 ratchet multi-bit screwdriver dh Ends 1/18/2025  
ameristep folding pruning saw Ends 1/24/2025  
black 10x x 30x 100 zoom in binoculars dh Ends 1/21/2025  
stainless steel maison bouachon corkscrew opener dh Ends 1/21/2025  
stainless steel commercial electric wire cutting pliers (with a green yellow & black handle) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
red & black kingstool steel hole punch tool dh Ends 1/22/2025  
blue & black crimp tool dh Ends 1/21/2025  
yellow & black dowell screwdriver dh Ends 1/18/2025  
black & yellow stanley scraper dh Ends 1/17/2025  
3 white utility knife blades dh Ends 1/18/2025  
14 gold piece drill bits (1 16) (5 32) (5 16) (9 64) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
12 inch nicholson cut tool (with a red bottom padding) dh Ends 1/17/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  18 1 2 inch stainless steel redskins spatula (with a brown wood padding) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/22/2025 
Details  gray thermos w black top c Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/22/2025 
Details  green & black wera ratchet set screwdriver dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  48(l) x 30(w) x 26(h) dark brown computer desk with a tan brown leg stand Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  red nicholson carbon cut file tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  60(l) x 20(w) x 28(h) dark brown hardwood table with black leg stands dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  72(l) x 35(w) x 28(h) brown four drawer hardwood desk (no key lock included) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  35(l) x 18(w) x 66(h) tan four shelf rack Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  37(l) x 31 1 2(w) x 53(h) vulcan gray metal stove (outlet plugs are not attached) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  dewalt 20v max drill Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  purple sitting chair Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  10 inch (in length) black metal sprinkler wrench dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  7 inch silver stainless steel vipertek flashlight (batteries are included) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  9 inch (in length) red & black milwaukee 14 in 1 ratchet multi-bit screwdriver dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  ameristep folding pruning saw Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/24/2025 
Details  black 10x x 30x 100 zoom in binoculars dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  stainless steel maison bouachon corkscrew opener dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  stainless steel commercial electric wire cutting pliers (with a green yellow & black handle) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  red & black kingstool steel hole punch tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/22/2025 
Details  blue & black crimp tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  yellow & black dowell screwdriver dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  black & yellow stanley scraper dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  3 white utility knife blades dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  14 gold piece drill bits (1 16) (5 32) (5 16) (9 64) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  12 inch nicholson cut tool (with a red bottom padding) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/17/2025