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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
15 pound life fitness dumbbell Ends 1/21/2025  
32(l) x 24(w) x 30(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet (no key lock) Ends 1/21/2025  
metal shovel with a bottom wooden handle Ends 1/18/2025  
dewalt two piece drill bits (1 8) (3 2mm) Ends 1/18/2025  
walking cane Ends 1/21/2025  
wire strippers Ends 1/20/2025  
2 small umbrella Ends 1/22/2025  
60(l) x 22(w) x 30(h) walnut brown four dresser desk Ends 1/21/2025  
turntable microwave Ends 1/18/2025  
70(l) x 29 13 16 (w) x 28 (h) brown rectangle pedestal desk with two right side dark gray filing cab Ends 1/18/2025  
2 small umbrellas Ends 1/22/2025  
47(l) x 30(w) x 26(h) computer desk with tan leg posts Ends 1/18/2025  
wooden rolling pin Ends 1/20/2025  
hula home hand casting kit Ends 1/19/2025  
blue & silver bottom bracket tool dh Ends 1/18/2025  
38(l) x 22 11 16 (w) x 29(h) two dresser drawer (no key lock included) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
32(l) x 24(w) x 30(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet (no key lock included) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
36(l) x 13(w) x 60(h) brown bookcase dh Ends 1/21/2025  
yellow chateau lassegue wine opener dh Ends 1/21/2025  
flag pole eagle on top 8ft tall Ends 1/20/2025  
blue & black steel screwdriver Ends 1/21/2025  
pie server knife Ends 1/21/2025  
63(l) x 32(w) x 30(h) brown six drawer executive desk Ends 1/21/2025  
37(l) x 22(w) x 29(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet Ends 1/21/2025  
two 31(l) x 16 1 2 (w) x 71(h) hickory brown bookcases Ends 1/21/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  15 pound life fitness dumbbell Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  32(l) x 24(w) x 30(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet (no key lock) Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  metal shovel with a bottom wooden handle Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  dewalt two piece drill bits (1 8) (3 2mm) Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  walking cane Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  wire strippers Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  2 small umbrella Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/22/2025 
Details  60(l) x 22(w) x 30(h) walnut brown four dresser desk Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  turntable microwave Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  70(l) x 29 13 16 (w) x 28 (h) brown rectangle pedestal desk with two right side dark gray filing cab Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  2 small umbrellas Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/22/2025 
Details  47(l) x 30(w) x 26(h) computer desk with tan leg posts Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  wooden rolling pin Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  hula home hand casting kit Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/19/2025 
Details  blue & silver bottom bracket tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  38(l) x 22 11 16 (w) x 29(h) two dresser drawer (no key lock included) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  32(l) x 24(w) x 30(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet (no key lock included) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  36(l) x 13(w) x 60(h) brown bookcase dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  yellow chateau lassegue wine opener dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  flag pole eagle on top 8ft tall Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  blue & black steel screwdriver Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  pie server knife Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  63(l) x 32(w) x 30(h) brown six drawer executive desk Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  37(l) x 22(w) x 29(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  two 31(l) x 16 1 2 (w) x 71(h) hickory brown bookcases Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025