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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
38 1 2 (l) x 15(w) x 72(h) brown display cabinet with bottom storage space Ends 1/18/2025  
chrome silver tweezer with a blue and red bottom handle Ends 1/18/2025  
gold chrome wrench (pittsburgh 15mm) Ends 1/18/2025  
black dremel electric screwdriver (it does turn on) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
bright orange & black multi-tool (wire strippers) (knife blade) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
two 3 pong outlets (cord is about 48 inches long) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
two 20lbs. dumbbells c Ends 1/18/2025  
red milwaukee saw blade dh Ends 1/18/2025  
round file westwood smooth cut part dh Ends 1/18/2025  
silver ratchet tool dh Ends 1/21/2025  
red corona bypass lopper tool dh Ends 1/18/2025  
black raptor adjustable wrench dh Ends 1/18/2025  
red & black bauer 20v lithium drill (no batteries included) dh Ends 1/18/2025  
wire strippers (rp) Ends 1/25/2025  
miracle point cutter (with a bottom black padding) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
36(l) x 12(w) x 60(h) mahogany red three shelf bookcase Ends 1/21/2025  
31 13 16 (l) x 24(w) x 30(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet (one key is slightly bent) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
1 blue scape unicorn tube Ends 1/18/2025  
4 steel pin punch set (1 8) (3 16) (5 16) dh Ends 1/21/2025  
36(l) x 24(w) x 30(h) rectangle table with a dark gray top with four brown oak hardwood leg stands Ends 1/18/2025  
62(l) x 32(w) x 30(h) brown pedestal desk with three right side drawers & a lever tray Ends 1/18/2025  
black corkscrew pull lever dh Ends 1/21/2025  
red & black craftsman screwdriver dh Ends 1/18/2025  
22 x 21 black square table dh Ends 1/18/2025  
two black 61 x 36 panasonic tv's dh Ends 1/18/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  38 1 2 (l) x 15(w) x 72(h) brown display cabinet with bottom storage space Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  chrome silver tweezer with a blue and red bottom handle Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  gold chrome wrench (pittsburgh 15mm) Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  black dremel electric screwdriver (it does turn on) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  bright orange & black multi-tool (wire strippers) (knife blade) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  two 3 pong outlets (cord is about 48 inches long) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  two 20lbs. dumbbells c Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  red milwaukee saw blade dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  round file westwood smooth cut part dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  silver ratchet tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  red corona bypass lopper tool dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  black raptor adjustable wrench dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  red & black bauer 20v lithium drill (no batteries included) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  wire strippers (rp) Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/25/2025 
Details  miracle point cutter (with a bottom black padding) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  36(l) x 12(w) x 60(h) mahogany red three shelf bookcase Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  31 13 16 (l) x 24(w) x 30(h) brown two drawer filing cabinet (one key is slightly bent) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  1 blue scape unicorn tube Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  4 steel pin punch set (1 8) (3 16) (5 16) dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  36(l) x 24(w) x 30(h) rectangle table with a dark gray top with four brown oak hardwood leg stands Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  62(l) x 32(w) x 30(h) brown pedestal desk with three right side drawers & a lever tray Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  black corkscrew pull lever dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  red & black craftsman screwdriver dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  22 x 21 black square table dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025 
Details  two black 61 x 36 panasonic tv's dh Henrico, VA Online Ends 1/18/2025