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Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
assorted atctical items including transmitters receivers repeaters and other items (asset# 8237075 8 Ends 1/23/2025  
10 of heavy duty storage containers; same picture used for lots 9gen and 10 gen; first come first se Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately sixty-three cpus most are dell optiplex7050 5050 9020. also includes one visix axis tv Ends 1/23/2025  
two large boxes of info tech peripherals monitor stands and more; location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a Ends 1/23/2025  
assorted hydraulic hose fittings and crimper miscellaneous parts/pieces crimper included. various si Ends 1/23/2025  
freightliner m2 106 etnyre black-topper centennial with bt1 controls s2000 series asphalt distributi Ends 1/23/2025  
otc pathfinder scanner condition unknown no power cable Ends 1/23/2025  
five assorted boxes of suspended ceiling parts mostly new some used. cross tee main tee and edge str Ends 1/23/2025  
miscellaneous parts for john deere 609 rotary deck parts Ends 1/23/2025  
electric hedge trimmer condition unknown was working when removed from service Ends 1/23/2025  
2011 vermeer bc1000xl brush chipper; sn 1vry11190c1017446; 374 hours showing; cut:12 diameter cummin Ends 1/23/2025  
2011 vermeer bc1000xl brush chipper; sn 1vry11190c1017446; 374 hours showing; cut:12 diameter cummin Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately thirty-six sentinel xl powered air purifying respirator; location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
assortment of antennas tripods ame20kit two of antenna tower (8107804 8107803); location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
kyocera taskalfa 4501 copier with sorter (asset# 8109453); location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
kyocera taskalfa 4501 copier with sorter (asset# 8109842); location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
kyocera taskalfa 3501 copier (asset# 8110368); location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
health o meter scale model 500k function unknown; location 3 Ends 1/23/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  assorted atctical items including transmitters receivers repeaters and other items (asset# 8237075 8 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  10 of heavy duty storage containers; same picture used for lots 9gen and 10 gen; first come first se McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately sixty-three cpus most are dell optiplex7050 5050 9020. also includes one visix axis tv McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  two large boxes of info tech peripherals monitor stands and more; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  lot of four blue storage cabinets condition may vary unlocked. has lock apparatus but keys are not a McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  assorted hydraulic hose fittings and crimper miscellaneous parts/pieces crimper included. various si McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  freightliner m2 106 etnyre black-topper centennial with bt1 controls s2000 series asphalt distributi McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  otc pathfinder scanner condition unknown no power cable McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  five assorted boxes of suspended ceiling parts mostly new some used. cross tee main tee and edge str McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  miscellaneous parts for john deere 609 rotary deck parts McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  electric hedge trimmer condition unknown was working when removed from service McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  2011 vermeer bc1000xl brush chipper; sn 1vry11190c1017446; 374 hours showing; cut:12 diameter cummin McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  2011 vermeer bc1000xl brush chipper; sn 1vry11190c1017446; 374 hours showing; cut:12 diameter cummin McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately thirty-six sentinel xl powered air purifying respirator; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  assortment of antennas tripods ame20kit two of antenna tower (8107804 8107803); location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  kyocera taskalfa 4501 copier with sorter (asset# 8109453); location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  kyocera taskalfa 4501 copier with sorter (asset# 8109842); location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  kyocera taskalfa 3501 copier (asset# 8110368); location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  health o meter scale model 500k function unknown; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025