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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by Date
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
instrument stands Ends 1/13/2025  
large round tables - lot of 3 Ends 1/20/2025  
new leica inverted microscope system fluo Ends 2/14/2025  
lot of computers and monitors on one pallet Ends 1/21/2025  
bact alert blood culture incubator. Ends 1/27/2025  
american optical microscope Ends 1/23/2025  
1 year old hal mannequin Ends 1/29/2025  
wenger portable stage Ends 1/13/2025  
new 3 piece metro starsys under counter unit cart w lids Ends 2/14/2025  
tennant 5400 riding floor scrubber Ends 1/13/2025  
new 3 piece metro starsys under counter unit cart w lids Ends 2/14/2025  
metro tech push camera Ends 1/10/2025  
ben eielson high school 1988-1989 boys wrestling 1a-2a-3a state champions picture with frame plus va Ends 1/21/2025  
manitex 26101c 26 ton straight boom on 2008 sterling l7500 6x4 boom truck Ends 1/10/2025  
unique $1 u.s. currency bill - shipping available Ends 1/10/2025  
yanan pe-21-b diesel generator 19kw 208 120v 3ph 60hz 65.9a w perkins ch3xl2.22nlc 2.2l engine. se Ends 1/31/2025  
gas fired pizza oven #3? Ends 1/21/2025  
one lot of two cisco catalyst 3850 48 poe+ series switches Ends 1/20/2025  
wooden desk Ends 1/17/2025  
ben eielson high school 1989-1990 boys wrestling 1a-2a-3a state champions picture with frame plus va Ends 1/21/2025  
1 welded security cart Ends 1/15/2025  
ben eielson junior senior school 2006-2007 staff picture Ends 1/21/2025  
1 welded security cart Ends 1/15/2025  
10ea hp mdl x360 1030 g2 laptop Ends 1/23/2025  
10ea hp mdl 840 g5 laptop Ends 1/23/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  instrument stands Kennesaw, GA Online Ends 1/13/2025 
Details  large round tables - lot of 3 Russellville, AR Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  new leica inverted microscope system fluo Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  lot of computers and monitors on one pallet Little Rock, AR Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  bact alert blood culture incubator. Little Rock, AR Online Ends 1/27/2025 
Details  american optical microscope Little Rock, AR Online Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  1 year old hal mannequin Little Rock, AR Online Ends 1/29/2025 
Details  wenger portable stage Kennesaw, GA Online Ends 1/13/2025 
Details  new 3 piece metro starsys under counter unit cart w lids Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  tennant 5400 riding floor scrubber Kennesaw, GA Online Ends 1/13/2025 
Details  new 3 piece metro starsys under counter unit cart w lids Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  metro tech push camera Bedford, VA Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 1988-1989 boys wrestling 1a-2a-3a state champions picture with frame plus va Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  manitex 26101c 26 ton straight boom on 2008 sterling l7500 6x4 boom truck Tampa, FL Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  unique $1 u.s. currency bill - shipping available Columbus, OH Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  yanan pe-21-b diesel generator 19kw 208 120v 3ph 60hz 65.9a w perkins ch3xl2.22nlc 2.2l engine. se Alameda, CA Online Ends 1/31/2025 
Details  gas fired pizza oven #3? Jacksonville, FL Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  one lot of two cisco catalyst 3850 48 poe+ series switches Chattanooga, TN Online Ends 1/20/2025 
Details  wooden desk Galena, OH Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 1989-1990 boys wrestling 1a-2a-3a state champions picture with frame plus va Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  1 welded security cart Pomona, CA Online Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior senior school 2006-2007 staff picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  1 welded security cart Pomona, CA Online Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  10ea hp mdl x360 1030 g2 laptop Garland, TX Online Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  10ea hp mdl 840 g5 laptop Garland, TX Online Ends 1/23/2025