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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by Item Name
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
(4) white plastic stanchions Ends 12/31/2024  
(40) 80x48 new steel crowd division panels Ends 12/31/2024  
(43) antennas - laird technologies; 902-928 mhz; Ends 12/25/2024  
(480 total)- new- lenovo keyboard cover case (folio) lenovo tab m10 tablet Ends 12/27/2024  
(5) dell 24 hdmi monitors Ends 1/4/2025  
(5) dell powervault 114t tape drives Ends 12/28/2024  
(5) horseshoe shaped school tables Ends 12/27/2024  
(5)- new in box hp laserjet enterprise m611dn monochrome printer's Ends 12/27/2024  
(5)- new respironics roll stand bipap a-series 1098538 Ends 12/27/2024  
(540)- new lenovo 10e chromebook tablet protective case's- clear Ends 1/3/2025  
(56) assorted computer equipment (printers & scanners etc.) Ends 12/26/2024  
(6) 25 lb. weight plates totaling 150 lbs... Ends 1/7/2025  
(6) dell poweredge 1950 servers Ends 12/28/2024  
(6) grainger buckets Ends 1/17/2025  
(6) hdd 4tb 7200 rpm 3.5 inch hard drives brand new Ends 12/28/2024  
(60)- new jma teko das platform master unit tcpripoi-9s-m Ends 1/8/2025  
(7) 35 lb. weight plates toaling 245 lbs... Ends 1/7/2025  
(7) 45 lb. weight plates totaling 315 lbs... Ends 1/7/2025  
(7)- xplore technologies ix104 rugged tablet with battery Ends 1/3/2025  
(7)stainless steel 2-cage dog racks with (2)pan racks Ends 1/7/2025  
(760) computer keyboards **new in box Ends 1/8/2025  
(8) kendrick extrication device (ked) trauma kits with carrying cases green Ends 12/24/2024  
(8) new hp keyboards Ends 1/2/2025  
(9 assets) printer speaker microphones cameras pvs-14xx Ends 12/28/2024  
(9) apple 21 imac i5 aio desktop computers 2017 Ends 1/3/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  (4) white plastic stanchions San Mateo, CA Online Ends 12/31/2024 
Details  (40) 80x48 new steel crowd division panels Danville, VA Online Ends 12/31/2024 
Details  (43) antennas - laird technologies; 902-928 mhz; Calera, AL Online Ends 12/25/2024 
Details  (480 total)- new- lenovo keyboard cover case (folio) lenovo tab m10 tablet Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (5) dell 24 hdmi monitors Raleigh, NC Online Ends 1/4/2025 
Details  (5) dell powervault 114t tape drives Towson, MD Online Ends 12/28/2024 
Details  (5) horseshoe shaped school tables Knoxville, TN Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (5)- new in box hp laserjet enterprise m611dn monochrome printer's Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (5)- new respironics roll stand bipap a-series 1098538 Berryville, VA Online Ends 12/27/2024 
Details  (540)- new lenovo 10e chromebook tablet protective case's- clear Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/3/2025 
Details  (56) assorted computer equipment (printers & scanners etc.) Jessup, MD Online Ends 12/26/2024 
Details  (6) 25 lb. weight plates totaling 150 lbs... Highland Park, TX Live Ends 1/7/2025 
Details  (6) dell poweredge 1950 servers Towson, MD Online Ends 12/28/2024 
Details  (6) grainger buckets Hudson, NH Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  (6) hdd 4tb 7200 rpm 3.5 inch hard drives brand new Towson, MD Online Ends 12/28/2024 
Details  (60)- new jma teko das platform master unit tcpripoi-9s-m Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/8/2025 
Details  (7) 35 lb. weight plates toaling 245 lbs... Highland Park, TX Live Ends 1/7/2025 
Details  (7) 45 lb. weight plates totaling 315 lbs... Highland Park, TX Live Ends 1/7/2025 
Details  (7)- xplore technologies ix104 rugged tablet with battery Berryville, VA Online Ends 1/3/2025 
Details  (7)stainless steel 2-cage dog racks with (2)pan racks Ames, IA Online Ends 1/7/2025 
Details  (760) computer keyboards **new in box Texarkana, TX Online Ends 1/8/2025 
Details  (8) kendrick extrication device (ked) trauma kits with carrying cases green Springfield, MA Online Ends 12/24/2024 
Details  (8) new hp keyboards Mansfield, OH Online Ends 1/2/2025 
Details  (9 assets) printer speaker microphones cameras pvs-14xx Windsor Mill, MD Online Ends 12/28/2024 
Details  (9) apple 21 imac i5 aio desktop computers 2017 Raleigh, NC Online Ends 1/3/2025