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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
tri star service line sst hot and cold service (2) 17' long sst tray attachments. Ends 1/15/2025  
wheel chair lift for bus Ends 1/15/2025  
recycle trash cans Ends 1/15/2025  
shelley steel café serving line. 7 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Ends 1/15/2025  
tennant t1 floor cleaners (9) Ends 1/15/2025  
classroom carts (approximately 15+) and large rolling carts (2) Ends 1/15/2025  
playground misc. equipment; large lot Ends 1/15/2025  
shelley steel café serving line. 4 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Ends 1/15/2025  
squat racks (8) benches (5) squat rack bar rests Ends 1/15/2025  
rozell sprayer unit sprayer pump not working Ends 1/15/2025  
shelley steel café serving line. 4 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Ends 1/15/2025  
cybex row/rear delt machine benches (2) weight tree (3) pole vault and high jump standards Ends 1/15/2025  
pads blocking dummies volleyball stands (2). large rollup mats. Ends 1/15/2025  
shelley steel café serving line. 8 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Ends 1/15/2025  
delfield milk coolers (5) Ends 1/15/2025  
delfield milk coolers (6) Ends 1/15/2025  
shelley steel and misc. coolers (6) Ends 1/15/2025  
delfield milk coolers (6) Ends 1/15/2025  
yamaha ls9-16 digital sound console Ends 1/12/2025  
podiums Ends 1/14/2025  
radio cabinet Ends 1/14/2025  
equipment organizers Ends 1/14/2025  
shuffleboard Ends 1/14/2025  
speakers and amps Ends 1/14/2025  
fall decorations Ends 1/14/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  tri star service line sst hot and cold service (2) 17' long sst tray attachments. Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  wheel chair lift for bus Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  recycle trash cans Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  shelley steel café serving line. 7 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  tennant t1 floor cleaners (9) Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  classroom carts (approximately 15+) and large rolling carts (2) Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  playground misc. equipment; large lot Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  shelley steel café serving line. 4 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  squat racks (8) benches (5) squat rack bar rests Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  rozell sprayer unit sprayer pump not working Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  shelley steel café serving line. 4 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  cybex row/rear delt machine benches (2) weight tree (3) pole vault and high jump standards Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  pads blocking dummies volleyball stands (2). large rollup mats. Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  shelley steel café serving line. 8 pieces warm/cool serving cash stand Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  delfield milk coolers (5) Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  delfield milk coolers (6) Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  shelley steel and misc. coolers (6) Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  delfield milk coolers (6) Frisco, TX Live Ends 1/15/2025 
Details  yamaha ls9-16 digital sound console Frostburg, MD Online Ends 1/12/2025 
Details  podiums Fruita, CO Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  radio cabinet Fruita, CO Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  equipment organizers Fruita, CO Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  shuffleboard Fruita, CO Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  speakers and amps Fruita, CO Online Ends 1/14/2025 
Details  fall decorations Fruita, CO Online Ends 1/14/2025