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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
lot of 5 each ben eielson high school 2010s boys small school football state champion trophies Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 4 each ben eielson high school 1989 through1993 boys 1a-2a-3a wrestling state champion runner Ends 1/21/2025  
honda snowblower parts Ends 1/10/2025  
corner storage unit Ends 1/10/2025  
four drawer lateral filling cabinet Ends 1/10/2025  
four drawer lateral filling cabinet Ends 1/10/2025  
desk Ends 1/10/2025  
case of ben eielson senior high clicker pens Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation water bottles Ends 1/21/2025  
case of ben eielson senior high pencils Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation water bottles Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation jersey towel Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school raven's 1994 railbelt champion player's signed football Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school 1993 boys basketball 3a state champions banner Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 2 each interior alaska 2014 jamboree football tournament x-large t-shirts Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 10 each interior alaska 2014 jamboree football tournament large t-shirts Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 4 each ben eielson high school diploma covers Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 4 each ben eielson high school diploma covers Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 3 each janay deloach pictures with frames Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 2 each ben eielson junior senior high 2024 student and graduate signed banners Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson junior senior school 2017-2018 staff picture Ends 1/17/2025  
lot of 2 each ben eielson high school 1987-1989 boys 1a-2a-3a wrestling state champion trophies and Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school 2015 boys football state champions banner Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school 1998 boys basketball 3a state champions banner Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson junior senior school 2019-2020 staff picture Ends 1/21/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  lot of 5 each ben eielson high school 2010s boys small school football state champion trophies Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 4 each ben eielson high school 1989 through1993 boys 1a-2a-3a wrestling state champion runner Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  honda snowblower parts Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  corner storage unit Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  four drawer lateral filling cabinet Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  four drawer lateral filling cabinet Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  desk Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  case of ben eielson senior high clicker pens Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation water bottles Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  case of ben eielson senior high pencils Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation water bottles Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation jersey towel Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school raven's 1994 railbelt champion player's signed football Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 1993 boys basketball 3a state champions banner Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 2 each interior alaska 2014 jamboree football tournament x-large t-shirts Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 10 each interior alaska 2014 jamboree football tournament large t-shirts Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 4 each ben eielson high school diploma covers Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 4 each ben eielson high school diploma covers Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 3 each janay deloach pictures with frames Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 2 each ben eielson junior senior high 2024 student and graduate signed banners Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior senior school 2017-2018 staff picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  lot of 2 each ben eielson high school 1987-1989 boys 1a-2a-3a wrestling state champion trophies and Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 2015 boys football state champions banner Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 1998 boys basketball 3a state champions banner Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior senior school 2019-2020 staff picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025