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Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
new panasonic vaccine undercounter manual defrost freezer built in ada Ends 2/14/2025  
new hoshizaki flaker icemaker air-cooled built in storage bin Ends 2/14/2025  
new uline heavy duty pallet jack Ends 2/14/2025  
new hoshizaki flaker icemaker air-cooled built in storage bin w filter system Ends 2/14/2025  
new maxtec smartstack premium iv stand Ends 2/14/2025  
new nuaire class ii type b2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new nuaire class ii type b2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new tbj isolation cabinet for erg (dark model) Ends 2/14/2025  
lot of 2 each ben eielson high school raven stained glass and clay murals Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 25 each ben eielson junior high lynx round magnets Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 25 each ben eielson junior high lynx round magnets Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation mini plastic footballs Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson junior high wall clock Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 5 each ben eielson high school raven cheerleader bullhorns Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson junior senior school 1995-1996 staff picture Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school janay deloach autographed picture with frame Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of several items of the ben eielson high school 1989-1990 boys cross country 1a-2a-3a state cham Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school 1986-1987 boys basketball picture with frame Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school 1985-1986 boys & girls cross country skiing 1a-2a-3a state champions picture Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school class of 1998-1999 senior picture with frame Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson junior senior school 1997-1998 staff picture Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson junior senior school 2001-2002 staff picture Ends 1/21/2025  
lot of 2 each ben eielson high school 1995 girls basketball 3a state regional banners Ends 1/21/2025  
ben eielson high school 2008 girls basketball 3a regional champions banner Ends 1/21/2025  
allflex Ends 1/10/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  new panasonic vaccine undercounter manual defrost freezer built in ada Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new hoshizaki flaker icemaker air-cooled built in storage bin Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new uline heavy duty pallet jack Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new hoshizaki flaker icemaker air-cooled built in storage bin w filter system Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new maxtec smartstack premium iv stand Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new nuaire class ii type b2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new nuaire class ii type b2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new tbj isolation cabinet for erg (dark model) Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  lot of 2 each ben eielson high school raven stained glass and clay murals Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 25 each ben eielson junior high lynx round magnets Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 25 each ben eielson junior high lynx round magnets Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 10 each ben eielson high school raven nation mini plastic footballs Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior high wall clock Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 5 each ben eielson high school raven cheerleader bullhorns Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior senior school 1995-1996 staff picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school janay deloach autographed picture with frame Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of several items of the ben eielson high school 1989-1990 boys cross country 1a-2a-3a state cham Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 1986-1987 boys basketball picture with frame Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 1985-1986 boys & girls cross country skiing 1a-2a-3a state champions picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school class of 1998-1999 senior picture with frame Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior senior school 1997-1998 staff picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson junior senior school 2001-2002 staff picture Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  lot of 2 each ben eielson high school 1995 girls basketball 3a state regional banners Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  ben eielson high school 2008 girls basketball 3a regional champions banner Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/21/2025 
Details  allflex Fairbanks, AK Online Ends 1/10/2025