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Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new abb robotics robotic arm w track and dispensing station Ends 2/14/2025  
new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Ends 2/14/2025  
new nuaire class ii type b2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new lab crafters air sentry v2 fume hood w accessories Ends 2/14/2025  
new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Ends 2/14/2025  
new lancer free standing glassware washer Ends 2/14/2025  
new hoshizaki flaker icemaker air-cooled built in storage bin w filter system Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi ultra-low temp freezer Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi ultra-low temp freezer Ends 2/14/2025  
new milli-q ultra pure water system Ends 2/14/2025  
new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Ends 2/14/2025  
new azenta automated plate seal remover Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi laboratory refrigerator Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi auto defrost biomedical freezer Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi auto defrost biomedical freezer Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi co2 incubator with uv decontamination Ends 2/14/2025  
new tbj scavenging backdraft table (large) Ends 2/14/2025  
new labrepco laboratory chest freezer with natural refrigerants Ends 2/14/2025  
new phcbi auto defrost biomedical freezer Ends 2/14/2025  
new hettich benchtop centrifuge Ends 2/14/2025  
new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Ends 2/14/2025  
new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Ends 2/14/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new abb robotics robotic arm w track and dispensing station Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new nuaire class ii type b2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new lab crafters air sentry v2 fume hood w accessories Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new nuaire class ii type a2 biological safety cabinet Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new lancer free standing glassware washer Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new hoshizaki flaker icemaker air-cooled built in storage bin w filter system Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi ultra-low temp freezer Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi ultra-low temp freezer Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new milli-q ultra pure water system Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new azenta automated plate seal remover Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi laboratory refrigerator Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi auto defrost biomedical freezer Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi auto defrost biomedical freezer Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi co2 incubator with uv decontamination Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new tbj scavenging backdraft table (large) Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new labrepco laboratory chest freezer with natural refrigerants Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new phcbi auto defrost biomedical freezer Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new hettich benchtop centrifuge Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025 
Details  new beckman coulter cell viability analyzer w sample vials and quad pak Exton, PA Online Ends 2/14/2025