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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by Date
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
infiniti m35 (2008) Ends 1/16/2025  
nissan altima (2015) Ends 1/16/2025  
ford escape (2010) Ends 1/16/2025  
carmack's dish machine racks; multiple silverware Ends 1/23/2025  
yamaha nippon gakki g2 baby grand piano; sn 680432 Ends 1/23/2025  
gray square table with 4 chairs Ends 1/23/2025  
clinic bed; blood pressure machine; horizon drucker diagnostics (model 642edrucker sn 160213ax961) Ends 1/23/2025  
clinic bed; blood pressure machine Ends 1/23/2025  
pallet of various hp laser jet brother and xerox toner and ink cartridges Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately 11 brown cafeteria tables with blue seats Ends 1/23/2025  
7 green cafeteria tables with blue seats Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately 12 green cafeteria tables with blue and green seats Ends 1/23/2025  
10 brown cafeteria tables with blue seats Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately 14 light brown cafeteria tables Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately 14 light brown cafeteria tables Ends 1/23/2025  
10 gray cafeteria tables with red seats Ends 1/23/2025  
approximately 11 small wooden book/magazine shelves Ends 1/23/2025  
saber blue scrubber (sn# 1000094320 model # sc20 no batteries); cortex/tennant scrubber (sn 900279-1 Ends 1/23/2025  
mackie sr series 32.4.2 vlzpro sound mixer; sn (21) dt14905 Ends 1/23/2025  
various band instruments and cases; metronome/tuner (model 10-a) Ends 1/23/2025  
black tablecloths; white tablecloths with white skirts with clips; approximately 108 champagne glass Ends 1/23/2025  
pallet of multiple types of light bulbs Ends 1/23/2025  
pallet of multiple types of fluorescent lightbulbs Ends 1/23/2025  
pallet of multiple and various dies and stencils kits Ends 1/23/2025  
clinic bed; blood pressure machine Ends 1/23/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  infiniti m35 (2008) McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/16/2025 
Details  nissan altima (2015) McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/16/2025 
Details  ford escape (2010) McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/16/2025 
Details  carmack's dish machine racks; multiple silverware Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  yamaha nippon gakki g2 baby grand piano; sn 680432 Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  gray square table with 4 chairs Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  clinic bed; blood pressure machine; horizon drucker diagnostics (model 642edrucker sn 160213ax961) Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  clinic bed; blood pressure machine Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  pallet of various hp laser jet brother and xerox toner and ink cartridges Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately 11 brown cafeteria tables with blue seats Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  7 green cafeteria tables with blue seats Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately 12 green cafeteria tables with blue and green seats Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  10 brown cafeteria tables with blue seats Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately 14 light brown cafeteria tables Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately 14 light brown cafeteria tables Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  10 gray cafeteria tables with red seats Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  approximately 11 small wooden book/magazine shelves Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  saber blue scrubber (sn# 1000094320 model # sc20 no batteries); cortex/tennant scrubber (sn 900279-1 Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  mackie sr series 32.4.2 vlzpro sound mixer; sn (21) dt14905 Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  various band instruments and cases; metronome/tuner (model 10-a) Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  black tablecloths; white tablecloths with white skirts with clips; approximately 108 champagne glass Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  pallet of multiple types of light bulbs Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  pallet of multiple types of fluorescent lightbulbs Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  pallet of multiple and various dies and stencils kits Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025 
Details  clinic bed; blood pressure machine Mesquite, TX Live Ends 1/23/2025