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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
applied biosystems proflex pcr system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
ge aktaprimeplus fplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
eppendorf research pro pippettes and stand 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific kingfisher duo prime 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
shimadzu hplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
molecular devices spectramax 190 microplate reader 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
labconco centivap dna concentrator 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
invitrogen countess 2 fl cell counter 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
biocare medical intellipath automated slide stainer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
chiller mdl. 7401281 ac 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
waters acquity hplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
schoeller allibert plastic storage pallet crates 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
mettler toledo c20s coulometric kf titrator 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific st 8r centrifuge 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
invitrogen countess 3 fl cell counter. 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
elemental scientific sc-2dxs autosampler 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
wyatt optilab t-rex dynapro nanostar and minidawn treos 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
nanosight ns300 analyzer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
chemicon ata-100 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
2 ea. balances 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
waters acquity hplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
leitz microscope 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
sylvania sy14q5144c 14 4-channel color quad observation system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  applied biosystems proflex pcr system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  ge aktaprimeplus fplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  eppendorf research pro pippettes and stand East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific kingfisher duo prime East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  shimadzu hplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  molecular devices spectramax 190 microplate reader East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  labconco centivap dna concentrator East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  invitrogen countess 2 fl cell counter East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  biocare medical intellipath automated slide stainer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  chiller mdl. 7401281 ac East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  waters acquity hplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  schoeller allibert plastic storage pallet crates East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  mettler toledo c20s coulometric kf titrator East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific st 8r centrifuge East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  invitrogen countess 3 fl cell counter. East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  elemental scientific sc-2dxs autosampler East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  wyatt optilab t-rex dynapro nanostar and minidawn treos East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  nanosight ns300 analyzer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  chemicon ata-100 East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  2 ea. balances East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  waters acquity hplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  leitz microscope East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  sylvania sy14q5144c 14 4-channel color quad observation system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025