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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
molecular devices spectramax m5 microplate reader 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific sorvall st 8r centrifuge 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
beckman coulter allegra 6 centrifuge 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
2 ea. chillers 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
applied biosystems automate express acid extraction system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
invitrogen evos 5000 microscope imaging system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
rudolph research autopol v plus pharmaceutical polarimeter 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
metrohm xds rapid content analyzer and xds monochrotomator 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
bio rad gene pulser xcell electroporation systems 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
beckman coulter allegra 6r refrigerated benchtop centrifuge 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
leitz labovert fs inverted microscope 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
2 ea. thermo scientific heratherm igs400 lab incubator 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
agilent g1330a als therm autosampler thermostat hplc 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
leica vt1200s vibratome 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
ge akta avant chromatography system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
2 ea. eppendorf centrifuge 5810r (not functional) 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
applied biosystems twister 3 robot automation 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific genesys 1xx spectrophotometer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
biotek 405 microplate washer dispenser 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
2 ea. distek evolution 4300 dissolution sampler 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
powervar abcdef5200-22 ups 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific cryoplus 3 storage system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
mettler toledo xse205 dual range balance 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  molecular devices spectramax m5 microplate reader East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific sorvall st 8r centrifuge East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  beckman coulter allegra 6 centrifuge East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  2 ea. chillers East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  applied biosystems automate express acid extraction system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  invitrogen evos 5000 microscope imaging system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  rudolph research autopol v plus pharmaceutical polarimeter East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  metrohm xds rapid content analyzer and xds monochrotomator East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  bio rad gene pulser xcell electroporation systems East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  beckman coulter allegra 6r refrigerated benchtop centrifuge East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  leitz labovert fs inverted microscope East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  2 ea. thermo scientific heratherm igs400 lab incubator East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  agilent g1330a als therm autosampler thermostat hplc East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  leica vt1200s vibratome East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  ge akta avant chromatography system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  2 ea. eppendorf centrifuge 5810r (not functional) East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  applied biosystems twister 3 robot automation East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific genesys 1xx spectrophotometer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  biotek 405 microplate washer dispenser East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  2 ea. distek evolution 4300 dissolution sampler East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  powervar abcdef5200-22 ups East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific cryoplus 3 storage system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  mettler toledo xse205 dual range balance East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025