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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
wire molding 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
2008 craftco magnum spray patcher 1/10/2025-1/22/2025  
fireproof record cabinet 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
vintage oak tabletop library card catalog 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
shimadzu hplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
ta tga q5000 automatic sample processor 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
invitrogen ibright 1500 imaging system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
shimadzu hplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
tuttnauer 3850el benchtop laboratory autoclave 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
assortment of lab equipment 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
invitrogen attune nxt acoustic focusing cytometer and auto sampler 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific varioskan lux multimode microplate reader 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific legend micro 21 microcentrifuge 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
assortment of lab equipment 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
applied biosystems seqstudio genetic analyzer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
protein simple mfi 5200 micro flow imaging system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
waters hplc system 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
vwr 1307f forced air oven 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
invitrogen qubit 4 fluorometer 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific lynx 4000 centrifuge 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
thermo scientific varioskan lux 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
parker h2pd-300na hydrogen generator 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
mettler toledo xsr6002s balance 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
applied biosystems proflex 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  wire molding Dunbar, WV Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  2008 craftco magnum spray patcher Durango, CO Online 1/10/2025-1/22/2025 
Details  fireproof record cabinet Durham, NH Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  vintage oak tabletop library card catalog Durham, NH Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  shimadzu hplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  ta tga q5000 automatic sample processor East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  invitrogen ibright 1500 imaging system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  shimadzu hplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  molecular devices aquamax 2000 microplate washer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  tuttnauer 3850el benchtop laboratory autoclave East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  assortment of lab equipment East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  invitrogen attune nxt acoustic focusing cytometer and auto sampler East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific varioskan lux multimode microplate reader East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific legend micro 21 microcentrifuge East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  assortment of lab equipment East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  applied biosystems seqstudio genetic analyzer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  protein simple mfi 5200 micro flow imaging system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  waters hplc system East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  vwr 1307f forced air oven East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  invitrogen qubit 4 fluorometer East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific lynx 4000 centrifuge East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  thermo scientific varioskan lux East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  parker h2pd-300na hydrogen generator East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  mettler toledo xsr6002s balance East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  applied biosystems proflex East Brunswick, NJ Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025