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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by City
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
rebuildable engine cylinder for 0470l Ends 1/17/2025  
oil cooler steward-warner corp Ends 1/17/2025  
rebuildable engine cylinder for 0470l Ends 1/17/2025  
brand new mcdanial metals 20 x 20 metal air filter housing - can ship!! 1/10/2025-1/16/2025  
9 11 911 september 11th never forget ny wtc world trade center license plate - can ship!! 1/10/2025-1/12/2025  
0.27 acre residential lot in cherokee village ar - near lake omaha 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
sharp county arkansas land - 0.35 acre resid lot near thunderbird lake! 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
cherokee village ar area - 0.22 acre residential lot near lake omaha 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
cherokee village ar area - 0.33 acre lot near lake omaha 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
large 50 ft x 150 ft lot in dowell il 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
large 50 ft x 150 ft lot in dowell il 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
john crane mechanical seal for mixer agitator shaft 1/10/2025-1/10/2025  
topcon survey equipment 1/10/2025-1/11/2025  
backhoe attachment (193976 rs) 1/10/2025-1/15/2025  
paint sprayer (193977 tm) 1/10/2025-1/17/2025  
mower (193984 rs) 1/10/2025-1/15/2025  
paint sprayer (193978 tm) 1/10/2025-1/17/2025  
golf cart (194728 tm) 1/10/2025-1/22/2025  
chainsaw (193980 nm) 1/10/2025-1/21/2025  
microscopes & camera (193886 aj) 1/10/2025-1/13/2025  
whirlpool gcem2990tq1 commercial dryer 1/10/2025-1/22/2025  
whirlpool wtw555oxw3 commercial washer 1/10/2025-1/22/2025  
whirlpool wtw555oxw3 washer 1/10/2025-1/22/2025  
one lot of misc filters 1/10/2025-1/15/2025  
one lot of 12 duct work 1/10/2025-1/12/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  rebuildable engine cylinder for 0470l Douglas, AZ Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  oil cooler steward-warner corp Douglas, AZ Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  rebuildable engine cylinder for 0470l Douglas, AZ Online Ends 1/17/2025 
Details  brand new mcdanial metals 20 x 20 metal air filter housing - can ship!! Douglasville, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/16/2025 
Details  9 11 911 september 11th never forget ny wtc world trade center license plate - can ship!! Douglasville, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/12/2025 
Details  0.27 acre residential lot in cherokee village ar - near lake omaha Dover, DE Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  sharp county arkansas land - 0.35 acre resid lot near thunderbird lake! Dover, DE Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  cherokee village ar area - 0.22 acre residential lot near lake omaha Dover, DE Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  cherokee village ar area - 0.33 acre lot near lake omaha Dover, DE Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  large 50 ft x 150 ft lot in dowell il Dowell, IL Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  large 50 ft x 150 ft lot in dowell il Dowell, IL Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  john crane mechanical seal for mixer agitator shaft Downingtown, PA Online 1/10/2025-1/10/2025 
Details  topcon survey equipment Draper, UT Online 1/10/2025-1/11/2025 
Details  backhoe attachment (193976 rs) Dry Branch, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/15/2025 
Details  paint sprayer (193977 tm) Dry Branch, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/17/2025 
Details  mower (193984 rs) Dry Branch, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/15/2025 
Details  paint sprayer (193978 tm) Dry Branch, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/17/2025 
Details  golf cart (194728 tm) Dry Branch, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/22/2025 
Details  chainsaw (193980 nm) Dry Branch, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/21/2025 
Details  microscopes & camera (193886 aj) Dublin, GA Online 1/10/2025-1/13/2025 
Details  whirlpool gcem2990tq1 commercial dryer Duke Field, FL Online 1/10/2025-1/22/2025 
Details  whirlpool wtw555oxw3 commercial washer Duke Field, FL Online 1/10/2025-1/22/2025 
Details  whirlpool wtw555oxw3 washer Duke Field, FL Online 1/10/2025-1/22/2025 
Details  one lot of misc filters Dunbar, WV Online 1/10/2025-1/15/2025 
Details  one lot of 12 duct work Dunbar, WV Online 1/10/2025-1/12/2025