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Now Showing Items for Auction sorted by Date
Item Name Auction/Sale Date(s)
approximately 10 old wheelchairs and 5 old vital sign machines; location 3 Ends 1/10/2025  
2 pallets of metal scrap; location 3 Ends 1/10/2025  
miscellaneous power cords; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
pallet of metal ballet boxes; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
pallet of metal ballet boxes; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
pallet of approximately 50 rolling file cabinets; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
pallet of miscellaneous cords; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
pallet of cisco phones; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
1 pallet of old law books; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 24 old office chairs; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 6 old tvs and tv stands; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 35 old cabinets/bookshelves; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
old desk with credenza bookshelf and coffee table; location 3 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 80 old chairs and 2 old couches; location 3 Ends 1/10/2025  
old leg curl machine; may need repair; location 3 Ends 1/10/2025  
miscellaneous electronics; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 25 laptops; hard drives have been removed or erased; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
miscellaneous wiring; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 30 cisco routers; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
miscellaneous audio equipment including mics and mix equipment; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
miscellaneous cords; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
miscellaneous cords keyboards; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 90 laptops and 100 desktops; hard drives have been removed or erased; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 13 election boxes; same pictures used for lots 129 through 133; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
approximately 13 election boxes; same pictures used for lots 129 through 133; location 2 Ends 1/10/2025  
View Pic Item Name City/State Mode Auction/SaleDate(s)
Details  approximately 10 old wheelchairs and 5 old vital sign machines; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  2 pallets of metal scrap; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  miscellaneous power cords; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  pallet of metal ballet boxes; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  pallet of metal ballet boxes; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  pallet of approximately 50 rolling file cabinets; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  pallet of miscellaneous cords; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  pallet of cisco phones; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  1 pallet of old law books; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 24 old office chairs; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 6 old tvs and tv stands; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 35 old cabinets/bookshelves; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  old desk with credenza bookshelf and coffee table; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 80 old chairs and 2 old couches; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  old leg curl machine; may need repair; location 3 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  miscellaneous electronics; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 25 laptops; hard drives have been removed or erased; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  miscellaneous wiring; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 30 cisco routers; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  miscellaneous audio equipment including mics and mix equipment; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  miscellaneous cords; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  miscellaneous cords keyboards; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 90 laptops and 100 desktops; hard drives have been removed or erased; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 13 election boxes; same pictures used for lots 129 through 133; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025 
Details  approximately 13 election boxes; same pictures used for lots 129 through 133; location 2 McKinney, TX Live Ends 1/10/2025