Category Archives: Online Auction Items

Espresso Machine: Get It While It’s Hot

espressomachineEspresso gets people through the day. If you want your very own Espresso Machine instead of paying top dollar every morning for it at your local hipster coffee joint, then you should check out this online auction. Coffee gets people through the day and you can get through your day and ride the edge of a lightning bolt into eternity with all the coffee you will be drinking. You will be able to see stars being born galaxies away with all the potential caffeine you will be ingesting. If you make a special enough brew, you could probably start charging, and the circle begins anew. Find out more about this item by clicking here.

Swintec Typewriter: Write On

swintectypeSwintec makes a lot of different machines, but this Swintec Typewriter that is currently available for online auction can be all yours soon. This machine could help you write that epic novel you always wanted to and then some. You could let those creative juices flow like nobody’s business. This machine is located in Texas and can easily be shipped to you. Besides getting a sweet deal on this item, you would also be treated to the convenience of the online auction. The current bid on this item is only $10 with the auction ending soon. You could be living the dream…yea! Find out all about this auction and many government auctions right here.

Canon Camera 35MM: Oodles Of Fun

canon cameraCanon Cameras are a whole lot of fun. If you like taking pictures then you should check out this current online auction for a Canon 35MM Camera. This camera could capture all of those precious memories and you can look at them years into the future with fondness. This camera would be a fine asset to your photo-graphical endeavors once you get your hands on it. Canon is known for making pretty excellent cameras and once you see what this baby can do, you would be surprised at why you didn’t get one of these years ago. The current bid on this item is only $30 with the auction ending soon. Find out more by logging in here.

Honda Outboard Motors: Yea, We Have Those.

hondaoutboardmotor1Honda Outboard Motors can help propel your boat in the most watery of situations. Check out this Honda Outboard Motor that is up for online auction. You can attach this motor to your boat and be well on your way to aquatic glory. Honda makes a mean car and they also make a mean machine. This motor looks like it is in pretty good shape and could easily be attached to your boat with no problems. The item is located in Florida and can probably be shipped to you. If you like boating and fishing then you should check this item out. Even if you just want to resell it because you will be getting a steal, this item would be for you. You can find out more about this item and many other government auctions by clicking here.

2003 Toyota Corolla LE: Head Out On The Highway

corollaThe Toyota Corolla has been ranked as a pretty swell car by users and critics alike. If you are looking for a new set of wheels, you should check out this online auction for a 2003 Toyota Corolla LE. The LE stands for Limited Edition, so you know you will be getting a special car! This automobile is located in Illinois, so you may have to pick it up, unless you want it shipped. This car features a 4 cylinder engine, a black paint-job, power sunroof, JVC sound system, and much more. The current bid on this item is only $2,283 with the auction ending tomorrow. Find out all about this item and many others by activating your free trial here.

Singer Sewing Machines: Get One At This Auction!

singersewingSinger Sewing Machines are a staple of 20th century Americana. You can check out this Singer Sewing Machine that is currently available for online auction. This machine is in Arizona and can be easily shipped to you. If you like sewing or want to start sewing,  this would be the perfect item for you. It looks like it is in pretty good condition. You can create anything you want with this machine and have items that are ready to wear in no time. You could be the next level of fashion, and it would all start with this Singer Sewing Machine. The current bid is only $5! Find out more about this item by activating your free trial account now.

Swiss Army Watch: Always On Time

swissarmywatchThe Swiss Army! If you are looking for a new watch then you should check out this current online auction for a Swiss Army Watch This watch will make you look cool while you tell time all over the place. It would definitely set you apart from the rest of society and you would be a stylish Swiss Watch wearing dude! Be the envy of your peers as they gasp in awe at your new found wrist presence! Watches are a great way to tell time, that is what they are there for. This watch won’t be around forever! You can find out all about this item and many other government auctions by clicking here to activate your free trial account

Stand Up Piano: Live The Dream

Ifpianos you like music, and who doesn’t? You can check out this online auction for a stand up piano. This piano can help you live your dreams. You could end up becoming the worlds greatest lounge act and have millions of fans worldwide. Just imagine if you didn’t end up picking up this item at this auction. You could never achieve the greatness in your mind without it. If you even thought about being a professional musician, now is your chance. If you have ever even seen a piano before, now is your chance to own one. The current bid on this item is only $25 with the auction ending tomorrow. Find out more here.

2008 Dodge Avenger: Riding Into Glory

dodgeavengerIf you are looking for a semi used car then you should check out this current online auction for a 2008 Dodge Avenger. This car can get you where you need to go and beyond. Dodge makes a pretty sweet ride, and with this auction you could have your very own in a very fast way. This car would be a good back up or main car that you can use to cruise the strip. You could use this car on long trips, to do errands, to pick up your family, take grandma to bingo, and much much more. The current bid on this item is only $8,650 with the auction ending tomorrow. You can find out more about this item and many other auctions by activating your free trial here.