Category Archives: Online Auction Items

John Deere Riding Mower: Git Er Dun!

johndeereJohn Deere makes a bevy of amazing agriculture machines and if you have a big old lawn that needs some delicate maintenance, you should check out this current online auction for a John Deere Riding Mower. You could ride this into town with a mini shovel on one hip and a weed wacker on the other. They wouldn’t know where you came from or how you got there, but deep in their heart of hearts, they will know that nothing would escape your fanciful touch on everyone’s bushes…or lawns. The current bid on this item is only $225 with the auction ending soon. Time’s a wastin’ and the turkey’s bastin’. Click here to find out how the story ends.

Centurion Universal Workout Station: By Your Command!

firstcylonListen, we all want to get super ripped and jacked. It’s a beautiful ideal. But most of us don’t and we are content with chilling out and watching some good old boob tube. But if you don’t want your life to slip away in the stream of mind numbing programming and reruns of shows you have already seen countless times, then you should check out this current online auction for a Centurion Universal Workout Station. You could set this machine up in your house, lock yourself in, and in a few months you would come out looking like Dr Dre did at that award show years ago. It’s located in Ohio. Find out more about this machine and many others by clicking here.

Suggestion Boxes: Insert Joke Here

suggestionboxesThere is always room for approval. If you have a restaurant, company, office, or anything that has physical traffic, then you may want to take a look at this current online auction for 2 Suggestion Boxes. These boxes can be mounted on any wall so passersby can scribble a little somethin’ somethin’ for you. Now, sometimes the comments may not be the best examples of humanity, but at least you would get a hearty laugh at the ones written in crayon with misspelled words. Just watch out for the ones written in cut out magazine letters. These come with keys as well, so those comments will NOT be lost in time. Find out more by activating your free trial.

Assorted Watches: Time Is On Your Side

somewatchesYou ever walk down the street and were approached by a guy who has tons of watches hanging in their coat at a super cheap price. You may walk away, but part of you is very tempted to see what that guy has. The fear of stabbing usually takes over and you mentally duck for cover. But you can’t stop thinking about those watches, so you go home and check out this current online auction for an assortment of watches that would leave you relatively stab free. The current bid on these time pieces is only $50 with the auction ending soon. You can find out more about these watches and other fine seized jewelry right here.

Memorial Electric Bell Tower: Bring The Hunch Home!

belltowerIf you are stuck in the bell tower and are sick of ringing that bell, then you should invest in something like this Memorial Electric Bell Tower that is currently for sale as an online auction. This electric bell tower takes all the work out of climbing up those old stone stairs, grabbing that rope, and ringing that heavy bell while the townsfolk hurl objects and obscenities at you. You can easily program this machine with some cool eclectic sounded rhythms and win the love of everyone around you including that special someone. The bid is only at $15 right now with the auction ending in a few days. Click here for more information about this awesome device.

Verizon Blackberry 8830: Smarter Than A 5th Grader

BBphoneLet’s face it. You need a cell phone in this day and age to make important calls, receive calls, stay in touch with texts, surf the web, and make sure you get to those important business meetings on time. Bid on this Verizon Blackberry 8830. This phone is located in Louisiana and can easily be sent to you once you win this auction. You could probably save yourself a pretty penny as well. This phone looks like it is in pretty good shape. All you would have to do is contact your phone provider and have them set up an account for you and you will be well on your way to being a punctual, timely, on time, individual. Find out more about this phone and many other seized items by activating your free trial here.

Leatherman Tools 30 Pieces: Use Them For Anything

TheleathermanSetLeatherman tools come in handy when you need them. If you are looking to do some utilitarian work, then you should check out this online auction for 30 Leatherman Utility Tools. Once you win these items like the winner you are, you could have them shipped out to you from the state of Colorado. They could launch them off a ski slope right into your living room. You could use these tools for a variety of different things like cutting, carving, scraping, screwing, slicing, and possibly even dicing. The current bid on this item is only $464 with the auction ending this week. You can find out more about this lot and other auctions by activating your account.

Fema Keystone Outback Travel Trailer 2006: The Great Outdoors!

outbacktrailerFema trailers are indeed hot items. They sell for a good price and people want them. You would be surprised at the number of individuals looking for one of these homes. One of them might even be you. If you are looking for some affordable housing, look no further. This is a current online auction for a 2006 Fema Keystone Outback Travel Trailer. This trailer can be hitched up to any vehicle with enough power to essentially carry around an apartment. It is located in Louisiana and can be yours soon. All you have to do is bid and win! The current bid is only $2,625 with the auction ending today. Find out more about this trailer and many others by clicking here.

Lexmark Toner Cartridge: For Your Printer, Duh.

yellowtonerGetting toner cartridges for your printer can be a real pain. They are usually expensive and you either have to pay to get them shipped to you or you need to waste your time, go to the store, find it, wait online, have your coupon denies, get caught in the rain, leave your sunroof open, and come home miserable. You can avoid all that by picking up this lot of 4 Lexmark Toner Cartridges. These all look like they come new in box and ready to go. All you have to do is bid online and win. Your mother always said you were a winner, right? Find out all about this auction and many others by activating your free trial account right here.

Fema 2005 Fleetwood Prowler: On The Loose!

theprowlerFema has made a ton of these trailers and given them away to the victims of the Katrina disaster. If you want to get your hands on one then you should check out this current online auction for a Fema 2005 Fleetwood Prowler. This trailer has all you need to get by including bedroom, living area, kitchen, bathroom, and a whole lot of panache. This trailer has a super cool decal on it too! It is located in Louisiana and can be yours soon. The current bid on this item is only $1,025 with the auction ending tomorrow. This trailer would make and awesome home for yourself and your significant other. Find out more now by activating your free trial here.