Category Archives: Online Auction Items

Bracelets: One Bag Of Swag

goldbraceletsSeized Jewelry auctions are a great way to get some high end merchandise at a pretty low price. If you want some cool jewelry, you should check out this current online auction for a bag full of bracelets. These bracelets can be yours soon and would look amazing on your wrist. Buy these for that special someone, and they will never forget you. These bracelets are located in Virginia and can be put to good use. You could melt them down and make one giant gold bracelet as well. The current bid on this auction is only $150 with the auction ending soon. Find out all about this lot of jewelry and man more auctions by logging into your free trial account now.

50 Pairs Of Rubber Boots: Warm Like Hot Fire!

rubberbootsWhen the winter comes, you are going to need some nice and warm boots to keep you…well, warm. You should check out this current online auction for 50 Pairs Of Rubber Boots. These boots were made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do. They are gonna help you walk all over…you? Anyway, they are located in Minnesota. And, you know that place is cold so these boots would be great for all of your winter activities. Winter time is the right time to go rocking in a one horse sleigh, with your awesome new boots. The current bid on this item is only $50 with the auction ending soon. Find out all about this item by activating your free trial.

Utility Knife Box Cutters: Warehouse Approved

utilityknivesWhen you operate a warehouse or a place that opens a lot of boxes you definitely need these Utility Knife Box Cutters that are currently up for online auction. These items could be used to open boxes and for various chores in and around the warehouse. These box cutters come in a lot that weights 50 pounds. That means that’s a lot of razors. People lose these things left and right, so with this auction you know you would have some stock. This item would also be great for a hardware store owner who needs  to constantly up their inventory. The current bid is only $121 with the auction ending soon. Find out more about this auction by activating your account now.

Panasonic 19 Inch TV: Watch The Stars Collide!

panasonic19inchPanasonic makes a ton of different electronic items. When you want to watch some TV you should seriously check out this current online auction for a Panasonic 19 Inch TV. This TV could be hooked up to all of your peripherals and ensure that you have a dynamite time watching all of your favorite shows, movies, video games, live events, award shows, and much more. You can have this item shipped from Alabama and it would land right on your doorstep. The current bid on this item is only $25 with the auction ending today. Find out more about this item and many others by activating your free trial account right here.

Nikon Coolpix S220 Digital Camera: Snap Snap Snap

coolpixNikon makes a wide range of camera from the simple consumer friendly point and shoot models to higher end fully professional cameras that can probably take a picture of the moon while you are underground. This current online auction is for a Nikon Coolpix S220 Digital Camera, which is a mid range consumer friendly camera. This camera can snap some great high quality pictures and you would be able to easily transfer them to your computer. You could then throw these pics on the internet, edit them, print them out, or email them.  This camera even comes in a flashy color that would no doubt attract some attention.  You can find out more about this item by clicking here.

Military Straps: Hold It Down

militarystrapsIf you are hauling something big, you may need to keep it in place. If you are looking for that kind of security, you should check out this current online auction for a lot of 42 Military Straps. These straps seem to be army surplus and can come in handy in a bind, get it!? You could strap in what you need to haul and be well on your way to safe and secure transportation. You could also use this lot of items for many different reasons and the best part is that you would probably get them at a sweet deal. You can find out more about this auction and many other government auctions by clicking here to enjoy your account.

Dell Laptops: 6 In A Row, Bro!

delllaptopcomputersComputers are great. You could use them for work, play, recreation, important stuff, and much more. Now imagine all that power at your fingertips but times 6! That is what you would be getting with this current online auction for 6 Dell Laptops. These laptops are used, so you may have to reinstall all your own software to bring them up to your own specifications. They are also located in Colorado and can be shipped out to wherever you are once you win the auction. Surf the net, use them for parts, build a fort, study, and more things! The current bid is only $160. Find out all about these items and many more by activating your free trial here.

TL Industries Trailer 2008: Home Again, Home Again

TLPARKERTrailers are a great way to live on the go. Check out this 2008 TL Industries Trailer. All you need is a nice powerful vehicle to haul this item and you can park anywhere and literally live your life. You could travel the country, see the sites, visit the worlds biggest ball of yarn, sleep under the stars, go to the grand canyon, you could even travel down to Central America or even our neighbors to the north Canada. Imagine following Rush around on tour in your portable apartment. You would have all the comforts of home ready to go. The current bid is only $4,860 with the auction ending soon. You could be living the dream! Find out more about this auction by activating your free trial here.

Dodge Grand Caravan 2007: Movin’ On Down The Road

grandcaravanYou know, if there were more cars in movies, some of our favorites would be very boring. Imagine Wizard of Oz with this 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan that is currently available for online auction. Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and 90′s James Hetfield would be able to take a 20 minute drive right through the gates of the Emerald City and get their business done. We are pretty sure those flying monkeys would bounce right off this mini van. Plus, it would give everybody room to stretch out. But who’s driving? We are also sure no one has a license…maybe the mayor of munchkin land does – but he needs a phone book to sit on. Find out all about this miraculous mystifying minivan by logging in here.

Dorsey Refrigerated Trailer: Keep It Cool, Baby.

cooltrailerWhen Mr. Freeze comes to town, you may wonder how he gets around while keeping cool. He probably has one of these Dorsey Refrigerated Trailers that is currently up for online auction. This refrigerated trailer could probably keep a ton of stuff cool. You could fill it with meat, ice cream, water to make fake snow. You could even rent it out as a mobile iced dance hall and set it up with a slip and slide. You could shoot music videos in this trailer or pretty much do anything you want with it. When summer comes you have permanent air conditioning. The current bid is only $1,023 with the auction ending soon. You can find out how to stay super cool here.