When you have to make bulk purchase for your business you’re always on the lookout for a great deal. Here is a chance to get bulk amounts of essential office supplies at a crazy low price. This is a great example of a surplus auction where the buyer bought too much of certain product or products and wants to get rid of them quickly because they are just taking up space. There eagerness to rapidly get rid of excess goods is a great chance for you to step in and win big. This auction is for one lot of four different surplus items. The items are various printer cartridges, binders, computer bags, and engineering desk lamps. This auction is out of Oklohoma City, OK and has a current bid of just $20 with 2 bidders so far! Bidding closes at 10:17 Am Central Time (CT) on November 18th. If you want to see pictures of all the surplus items, and get a better idea of the amount of items on auction, or to find out about many more auctions going on all over America and Canada, head over to www.governmentauctions.org or you can click here to sign up for your FREE 3 day trial of our services!
Category Archives: accessories
A full restaurant kitchen to the highest bidder!
One lot of commercial grade restaurant equipment is hitting the auction block. These commercial kitchen equipment are being sold off from a closed Taco John Restaurant. The items that are part of this sale include a hot table, a Champion grill, a food warmer, wire racks with laminate countertops, a Hatco Glo-Ray, Frymaster fryers, a Crescor auxillary warmer, a Bunn-O-Matic hot water machine, 3 stainless steel tables, Groen steam kettles, a Frymaster portable oil filtration system , a stainless steel single bowl sink, a stainless steel three bowl sink, a wire rack, and under the counter refrigerators. Most of the equipment was purchased in 2003 and was in good working condition when it was removed from service so it shouldn’t need much repair to get it all back up and running. It should be noted that this equipment is sold as is and may contain defects not immediately detectable, therefore, a thorough pre-inspection is highly recommended. This auction is online, but the equipment is located in Fort Stewart, GA. The current bid is at a low $2,000 with just 8 bidders, and the bidding closes at 10:13 Central Time (CT) on November 12. For more information about this auction, including pictures of all the equipment, or to find out about other great auctions in your area, click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org, and sign up for your FREE 3 day trial.
Wield the power of the gift card!
Some people seem to be under the misconception that auctions are just for people looking for cars or motorcycles. That is completely wrong and a quick glance at any auction will dispel that myth, but this current auction is also a great example of showing the plethora of varied items that are available at great prices at government auctions. This also is a great time to show how auctions are great for everyone, whether you plan on buying the product for your own use or are trying to buy cheap items in bulk to sell online and make a profit. This auction is for 19 different gift cards, together valued at almost 1700$ and ranging in prices from $10.00 all the way up to $379.40! The gift cards are for a wide variety of stores ranging all the way from restaurants to clothing stores like JCPenny to building supplies like Lowes to name a few. The bidding starts in 2 days on November 5, at 12:00 PM Central Time (CT) with an opening bid of just $846, around half the price of the value on the gift cards, a way better deal than even purchasing online gift cards! Click here to get more information about this auction, read more of our blog, or to subscribe for a FREE 3 day trial of our services at www.governmentauctions.org.
Move to the beat of your own self stabilizing drummer.
The Segway, the I-pad of the transportation world is the fun, if not necessarily very practical, alternative to walking. Without the mobility of a skateboard, yet easier than a bike and car, it fits in between two distinct categories. It hasn’t really been taken up by the masses because of that issue, and people sometimes are left wondering “what is it exactly and what need does it fulfill?” Yet even with that in mind, if you can overcome what people think about this device, it really is fun to use. With the internal gyroscopes and self stabilizing wheels, it is unlike most vehicles you use daily and when you fly past the normal plebeians, relegated to the mundane task of walking, you’ll be able to smile to yourself in self satisfaction. While other folks strap on their sneakers and neurotically check their step counters, you can slip into a comfy pair of slippers and step onto your Segway, while it whisks you to wherever you need to go. This used Segway for auction hasn’t been used very much and only been operated indoors so it is still in really good shape. The current bid is just 1,519 dollars with 14 bidders, and is being auctioned out from Salt Lake City with the auction closing on November 7, at 10:01 AM Central Time (CT). For further information about this and other exciting auctions, simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org for your FREE 3 day trial today!
The Swiss army knife: The quintessential survival tool at a must see price!
The Swiss Army knife. The all in one tool that is the cornerstone of any wilderness survival kit. Opening bottles, fighting off a bear (not recommended), whittling away a fall afternoon, skinning a catch for the cooking fire, cutting a string, taking out a splinter or just doing any mundane task, the Swiss Army knife easily dismisses any problem thrown its way and is instantly ready for the next task at hand. It can be a gift that truly keeps on giving, tagging along wherever life takes the the lucky receiver of the gift, ready to spring into action. Whether you are buying them for yourself, a gift for others, or to sell, today you can get your hands on 100 assorted styles of the Swiss Army knife for quite a low price per knife. This auction is for 1 lot of 100 assorted used knives, in various styles colors and conditions. All these knives come at a current bid of just 210 dollars, which is just $2.10 each! If you have an efficient way to sell them, whether bulk or piece by piece, you can make quite a lot of money off this deal with current prices going for way more than what you are paying for them. This auction is out of Denver, CO and ends on October 31, at 11:11 AM (CT) but keep in mind there are currently multiple concurrent auctions by the same seller, all selling different assortments of 100 knives so if the ones pictured above aren’t what you are looking for, you can be sure that other styles are also being auctioned off so check them all out! For any further information about these, or any other auctions, simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org for your FREE 3 day trial today!
Time to hit the ski slopes!
With the fall in full swing and winter beginning to extend it’s frosty tendrils of cold amongst the piles of changing leaves, you can now start to think about the things that make winter so beautiful. One of the winters favorite sports is skiing, the wonderful game of seeing how fast you can plummet down a hill while trying not to suddenly become one with a pine tree. Associated with this fine sport is also a high price tag. Lift tickets, rentals, extra fee, it can get expensive. This auction is your chance to buy ski’s at a ridiculously low price and enjoy skiing without emptying your wallet. This current auction is for a bundled collection of assorted used Telemark snow skis. In particular it consists of of 1 pair of Dynastar Altipume; 1 pair of Atomic Premiere W/Riva Bindings; 1 pair of Research Dynamics Bravo Coyote W/Solomon Alpine Bindings; 1 pair of Tua 112-Cross Ride W/G3 Telemark Bindings; 1 pair Black Diamond Crossbow W/No Bindings; 1 pair of Voik Mountain Ranger W/No Bindings; 1 pair of Voik Carver Xt W/No Bindings; 1 pair of Black Diamond Vertige W/Riva Bindings; 1 pair of Fischer Eropa Glass X Country Skis W/Rottefella 3-Pin Bindings; 1 pair of Rossignol Telemark Tms X Country Skis W/Rottefella Bindings; 1 pair of Atomic Beta Telemark 20 W/Telemark Bindings. They are located in Moose, WY and are available for a pre-bid inspection by appointment only. If you are interested, now is your time with there only being 3 days left and a current bid of a paltry 10 dollars! You really can’t beat that, so head over before October 31 11:33 AM Central time (CT) when the auction closes, and get bidding! For any further information about this or any other auction, simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org for your FREE 3 day trial today!
Instant office, just add water (and a building)
This auction truly is an instant office, all that is needed is a building so whether you are planning on a mass employee hire soon or you’re a startup looking to expand out of your garage and into a real office, this sale is perfect for you. On auction today are approximately 111 office work station desks made by Steelcase and Knoll respectively. The work stations come in many different configurations and dimensions and the desks are all different shapes and styles for differing work styles. In addition to the dizzying array of work offices, it also comes with many different accessories including but not limited to, pencil trays, a diverse collection of file cabinets, wardrobes with coat closets, overhead and task lights, keyboard trays and more. The office equipment is located in Lees Summit, MO and would need to be transported from there. It should be noted that although the sale ends in a week, this is a sale of supplies that are part of a furniture refresh project so the actual removal and transferal of the office equipment will be in stages starting November 11 through April 2016 so if you bid, you must be willing to work closely with the owners to plan the removal and transportation of the supplies. Currently no one has bid on this auction so head on over and cast your bid on this huge sale! The auction closes in 8 days on November 3, at 5:32 PM Central Time (CT). To find out any more information about this auction or to find out about many others going on now, you can simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org which comes with a FREE 3 day trial!
Scooting along in style.
This Merits S235 mobility scooter is a great little scooter at a great price. Although it has been used, besides for not coming equipped with a power chord which can be easily replaced online, it doesn’t look like it has any issues that some paper towels and a bottle of Lysol can’t fix. The 4 MPH maximum speed limit keeps road rage to a minimum helping the driver stay safe with a manageable top speed. With compact dimensions of 44″ (L) X 23″ (W) X 34.5″ (H) and a surprisingly small 27″ turning radius this mobility scooter is truly mobile and maneuverable and with its 2, built in 12V batteries, it hums along for a long ranged 15 miles before requiring a recharge. If you want a stat that will impress your friends, you can tell them that this scooter is equipped with intelligent, regenerative, electromagnetic brakes! Besides for the great stats, it also has a great current bid price of just 100$ more than a thousand dollars below the price for a new one. This Springfield, VA auction ends October 23, at 10:01 AM Central Time (CT) so head over and place your bid before it’s too late. For any more information, you can simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org which comes with a FREE 3 day trial!
Dell computer speaker…a lot of them.
Today’s deal is perfect for you if you are a bulk seller, want to flip many similar products for a quick profit on ebay or amazon, or just have a computer buying addiction and have 100 computing laying around unusable because of crummy built in speaker sound quality. Located in Springfield, VA this auction is for about 100 Dell computer speakers and at a current bid of just 100 dollars for the lot, that’s about just 1 dollar per speaker, which is a steal no matter how you look at it. With pretty much everyone owning a computer or tablet, speakers are a commonly needed product and should be easy to sell. So far, there has only been one bidder, and the minimum bid increment is 50$ so it will stay a really good deal even if a few more people bid. If you would like to inspect them you you can call or email them for an appointment. This auction closes October 23, at 10:35 AM Central Time (CT) so check it out! For any further information, simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org for your FREE 3 day trial today!

Eighteen Happy Brides, Each In An Evening Wedding Gown
Once upon a time, there were eighteen future brides to be. These happy ladies all had a dream about their wonderful weddings coming up, where they wore the bridal gown of their dreams! Some dreamed of themselves in Victorian wedding gowns, and others in their very own halter wedding gown. Each of these ladies asked aloud and wondered where they could find an inexpensive wedding gown. They spent their days meandering through blogs and catalogs, fantasizing over pictures of wedding gowns that they knew they could never afford. “If only there was someone, somewhere, who could help me find an affordable wedding gown for my dream wedding, which is coming closer day by day!” Each of these eighteen brides curiously pondered their wedding gown dream meaning, and each came up with a different interpretation. One girl declared, “my dream is a guarantee that I will get a wonderful yet cheap gown, wedding gowns accessories, and free cleaning from the local wedding gown dry cleaners!” Yet another woman exclaimed, “not only will I have the most wonderful wedding, but I will also open my own wedding gown dry cleaner business as well!” For some strange reason, each woman believed that her dream had something to do with a wedding gowns dry cleaner! What actually ended up happening is as follows – please keep in mind that the age-old saying is true, “reality is truly stranger than fiction!” There was a government auction that a very kind person had heard about through Government Auctions, where there were 18 wedding gowns for sale at a ridiculously low price. This blessed soul purchased the lot of gowns, and then looked all around the country for women who needed help with acquiring a wedding gown. This generous donor quickly found organizations such as The Bride’s Project, where these wedding gowns could be donated (and all profits from their sale would be used for fighting cancer). Funnily enough, it turns out that this generous donor even made sure to go to a wedding gowns dry cleaners before donating all of the dresses that our eighteen wonderful brides wore to the wedding of their dreams.
Normally this is where we’d write “the end,” except that this is just the beginning… Will YOU be the generous donor who fulfills a woman’s wedding dreams? You’ve got just under 6 days and 22 hours to make many people’s dreams come true. These eighteen wedding gowns are now bidding at just $270 – that’s practically free! For any further information, simply click here to subscribe to www.governmentauctions.org for your FREE 3 day trial today!
Descriptions of the gowns are as follows:
- Ivory Venus by Lotus Orient Corp., style 6246-141, Size 8
- White Venus, style 6087-153, size 12
- White Pallas Athena, style P444-274, Size 12
- Ivory Venus, style 6220, size 6
- White Venus, style 9475-406, size 10
- Ivory Venus, style 6084-235, size 4
- Ivory Venus style 6220, size 6
- White Pallas Athena, style P46T-30, size 10
- White Pallas Athena, style 9462, size 12, Ivory Off the Off the shoulder with bow in back
- Ivory Venus, style 6040-630, size 6
- White 2 piece gown, style -VD-0791, size 8
- White, style BH 027, size 8
- Ivory Venus, style 6040-627, size 6
- Ivory Venus, style 6040-646, size 8
- Ivory Venus, style 6206-112, size 10
- White Pallas Athena, style 9421-Y002, size 10
- Ivory dress, style, size unknown
- White, style 710, size 10, one white train