Are you in the market for a new ride? Then you should definitely consider checking out auctions. Auctions can be a great way to get a new vehicle without going through the hassle of dealerships or shady buying/selling websites where you never know what you are getting. Auctions can also save you a lot of money which is really important in this economy. Vehicles have gotten so expensive, it just makes sense. This auction is for a 2000 Ford Explorer. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is 1FMZU83P1YZB35509. The vehicle has a 8 cylinders and a gasoline engine. The estimated Mileage for it is 81420 and it is white in color. It also has an Automatic Transmission. Vehicle is in used condition. Inspection prior to bidding and/or purchasing is of course always highly recommended. This auction is located in College Station, TX and the closing time is on 09/22/2023 05:02 PM CT. Right now, the current bid is $500 USD and there has been 0 bidders so far. Act soon as you definitely do not want to miss this amazing deal! Start saving today! For any further information, simply click here to subscribe to for your FREE 3 day trial.