This Fema 2005 Destiny Mobile Home could be your answer. If you are looking for a place to live and have exhausted all of your options, then you should check out this current online auction. This mobile home is located in Arkansas and can be yours now. You do not even need to wait that long. This home comes equipped with a kitchen, bathroom, and living area. It would be the perfect fit for that young family or couple that want to take the next step in their life. If you end up winning this trailer, you would not have to pay rent at all! This could be your gateway to independence. Once you own this home you could literally travel the country and love every single minute of it. Just imagine he freedom of hauling this home with you wherever you wanted to go. No one would tell you anything else! The current bid on this item is only $3,050 with the auction ending very soon. You can find out all about this item and many more by activating your free trial here.